
Year 7 Admissions

During October each year, we hold four open mornings and an open evening specifically designed to give Year 6 students the opportunity of visiting Whitecross and getting a feel for the kind of school we are.  Dates are always shared on our website calendar, through our social media sites and also through Herefordshire Council.  No appointments are necessary.

We are really very proud of the support we offer Year 6 students during this important transition period.  If you would like to read more, please visit our Year 6 Transition page.

Our Determined Admissions policy can be viewed here

Admissions for students in Years 8 - 11

Occasionally students may look to change schools at a different time to the usual Year 6 to 7 transition.  We recommend visiting Whitecross to give students the opportunity of getting a feel for school before any formal application is made.  In these cases, please contact the Headteacher's PA, Mrs McDougall, who will arrange a convenient time for parents and students to visit.

The following form will need to be completed by the student's current school before forwarding on to Whitecross: In Year Transfer Application Form