As a PFI (Private Finance Initiative) school, Whitecross Hereford works in partnership with companies who provide services and support to the school. The PFI agreement will end in 2031 when ownership of the buildings and facilities will be returned to the school.
Our excellent facilities are available to hire and can be booked via BookingsGuru or telephone 03330 110 476.
We are proud to work with:
Alliance in Partnership - caterers
BOSS (Border Office Supplies & Systems) - photocopiers
Cleverbox - website design
Clubsports - uniform supplier
Evo Energy - our landlords and IT provider
Hoople Group - human resources and payroll
Integral/JLL - facilities management
Monkhouse Schoolwear - uniform supplier
Rachel Lilly - website and marketing photography
SignWorx Hereford - printers
H Tempest Ltd - school photographs