School Apps

When a student joins Whitecross, parents and carers will be equipped with logins and passwords to access school-based apps. These are an essential part of a student's academic life and enable parents and carers to both monitor their child's progress and communicate with school. 

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The SIMs Parent App is a vital tool which we ask all parents and carers to use.  The App is available to download on any mobile phone and is easy to use, empowering parents and carers to stay informed and engaged with their child’s education. Parents and carers are able to update personal data we hold on their child, view Interim Reports, follow achievement and behaviour awards and keep track of attendance and absence figures in real-time.

Please click here for a guide on how to access the SIMs Parent App.

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Teachers use Satchel One as a platform to assign, monitor and review homework tasks on a daily basis. Students have access to Satchel One during period 6 lessons to complete learning tasks. All parents and carers have access to the app to support and monitor their child's progress.

The Satchel One app is also used as a noticeboard to deliver key messages to students about forthcoming events and deadlines. 

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SchoolCloud is used for booking appointments with subject teachers at Parents’ Evenings.  Parents and carers are always provided with detailed instructions on how to access SchoolCloud two weeks in advance of the date, giving plenty of time for appointments to be booked.  Parents’ Evenings are held at various times throughout the school year on Thursdays, from 4pm to 7pm. Click here for a guide on how to access SchoolCloud.


Whitecross Hereford and Alliance in Partnership use ParentPay; an efficient and secure online facility that allows for cashless payments to be made for school related expenses. 

When a student joins us, parents and carers are provided with comprehensive details on how to set up their ParentPay account, making it easy to manage payments for meals, trips and revision guides.