Students follow an ambitious and balanced curriculum including the subjects listed below. Physical education takes place for at least two hours each week. All of Year 7 students have the opportunity to learn to play instruments such as saxophones, trombones, clarinets and flutes through our innovative partnership with Herefordshire Music Service.
English | Mathematics | Science | History | Geography |
French | Spanish | Art | Music | Drama |
ICT | Design Technology | Food Technology | Religious Education | PSHE |
Students can choose from a wide range of GCSE courses listed below.
English | Mathematics | Science | History | Geography |
French | Spanish | Art and Design | Music | Drama |
Statistics | Design Technology | Food Preparation | Religious Education | Citizenship |
Photography | Physical Education |
We also offer a broad range of more practical and vocational courses including BTEC First Award in Music, Cambridge National Award in Sports Science, BTEC Technical Awards in Enterprise and ICT.