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Headteacher's Welcome

Tim KnappWelcome to Whitecross High School, a vibrant and dynamic community where realising the potential of every student lies at the heart of everything we do.

I am very proud to lead a school distinguished by its commitment to academic excellence, the highest standards of conduct, an inclusive environment and an innovative approach to learning.

Students follow an ambitious and carefully developed curriculum which is rooted in the core knowledge which we believe every child needs to be a well informed and rounded citizen.  At its heart is a belief in the importance of personal character and social responsibility.  We want our students to be kind, compassionate and to make a difference in the world.

Our incredible range of extra-curricular opportunities and activities beyond the classroom build a strong sense of belonging and community where every student, whatever their background and starting point can experience success.

Sport plays a significant part in the life of our school. This means not only do we celebrate the successes of our many sporting teams but that we also teach inclusive participation and healthy lifestyles. The sporting values of teamwork, leadership and goal setting underpin who we are.

We invite you to explore our website further or arrange a visit to learn more about our wonderful school and join us in our journey of creating bright futures.

Mr Tim Knapp B.A. Hons