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Mathematics is not a spectator sport.

- George Pólya

A Mathematics classroom at Whitecross is a place where students are able to succeed, encountering concepts in small steps, ensuring that each step is secure, before advancing to the next.

We are strongly influenced by the principle of teaching for mastery and strive to enable students to understand principles, rather than just how to apply them, always aiming to create inquisitive learners who want to ask ‘Why?’, digging into Mathematical concepts using physical objects and diagrams to deepen understanding wherever possible.

This means that:

  • All learning is broken down into small steps to enable deeper thinking and ensure no student is left behind.
  • Models are used throughout the curriculum to support students’ understanding and deepen their thinking about mathematical concepts. 
  • Students will encounter consistent models throughout their time, building new complexities into these familiar ideas as they progress.
  • Student understanding is constantly checked through a range of questioning techniques and teaching adapted where needed to ensure understanding.
  • Students develop independent working strategies by being equipped with the skills and knowledge required before completing tasks and are given lots of opportunities to embed their learning through practice.
Our Mathematics Team

Subject Lead: Miss N Burton

Mr P Fletcher

Miss M Griffiths

Mrs B Jones

Mr J O'Reilly

Mr L Rickards

Mr A Varey